
Guardian's Mark Tran compiled a list of the very limited concessions offered by the government so far

Mubarak will stand down in September, when his term expires and when new elections are to be held.

A committee to recommend constitutional amendments to relax presidential eligibility rules and impose term limits. The panel to be led by the head of Egypt's highest appellate court and composed of six senior judges and four constitutional experts. It will make its recommendations to Suleiman, by the end of this month. (This is similar to promises made in the past--the resulting reforms composed so as to be meaningless

A separate committee to monitor implementation of all proposed reforms.

An inquiry into last week's clashes as well as the mass detentions of human rights activists and journalists. The findings willl be referred to the attorney-general.

No constraints on media.

Investigations of allegations of corruption and detention of those responsible for the breakdown in security.

A lifting of the state of emergency "based on the security situation".
(also promised in the past--a promise not kept when it was signed once again just last year)

Source: Guardian Live Blog 4:41

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