
Personal stories of Egyptians from the provinces traveling to join the protesters in Tahrir


by Noha al-Hennawy

"Standing in his religious uniform among a dozen fellow preachers, Ahmed Gamal Eddin, a 38-year-old state-sanctioned imam, explains why he left his wife and two small children to join the sit-in last week.
“This is a national cause, nobody asked me to be here. We were dreaming of this day long time ago. ..I dream of a better life for my children. I hope my kids can enjoy freedom and good education away from oppression and despotism,” says Gamal Eddin.

“My wife is happy that I am here. She never asked me to go back,” he says. Gamal Eddin has been sleeping in Tahrir for over eight days.

By adopting a clearly anti-Mubarak stance, Gamal Eddin and colleagues might be jeopardizing their jobs with the state religious establishment. These low-rank clerics have refused to toe the line with Egypt’s top religious figures, namely the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar and the Grand Mufti, who have remained supportive of Mubarak’s regime throughout the uprising."

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